A fascination with drawing and painting began at a very early age for me and as other children moved on to other subjects and pastimes, I never let go of my pencil and paints.
While studying at the Emily Carr University I also spent time as an apprentice sculptor. Figure drawing and Anatomy were two areas of study that I felt drawn to and even though I loved sculpture, they became my focus. After graduation I began traveling around the United States, doing portraiture in Texas (where I further developed skills through attending sculpture classes at the Elizabet Ney museum in Austin) and mural work and trompe l'oeil in Atlanta Georgia (where I also began teaching private drawing lessons). In 1999 - 2000, I was fortunate enough to set up a small painting studio in Dublin, Ireland and participate in drawing classes with a figure drawing society at Trinity College.
A strong desire to serve and help others led me to become a career firefighter as well as spend some time in the Army reserves where I trained as a medic. These career choices helped give me a new perspective on the world around us and continue to provide a constant inspiration for new work. I have a passion for traditional materials and techniques - with my work I love to explore these old techniques; my goal being to tell new stories with this beutiful old language. One thing I like to focus on are stories of personal conviction and strength to do what one believes is right in the face of adversity. My portraits and paintings are found in private collections in the United States, Canada and Europe.