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When it rains, it pours!

I'm not sure if thats quite the expression that fits here but it's very true; especially with all thats happened since my last blog post! Since my last post I've been in two more more shows which were both showing at the same time. On May 1st, I was in the Art World Expo at Telus science World ( ) and another show called the Parker Street Salon. Both were great shows and I considered both to be a definite success. The Parker Street Art Salon was a fabulous show.. organized by artists taht work in the building where my studio is at 1000 Parker Street. It was done in the Salon style, with original art pieces speckling the newly painted white walls. Laughing and chatter could be heard over music as chandeliers, which were brought in specifically for the show, beamed down their brillaince on the crowd. The third floor of our building was covered with brilliant pieces of all types... from the abstract to the realistic; art for every taste in all shapes, sizes and media. Over the weeeknd the artists displayed their work in the halls and opened up their studios for the public. It was decided after the success of this salon show that it could very likely be an anual thing and I am looking forward to taking part in it next year. The website for the Parker Salon is

I have one more show in may which I'd like very much to talk about! It is called "Art! Vancouver". This looks like a magnificent show with lots to see and I am pretty humbled to be showing with some of these artists.

Here is the promotional video for the show...

If you'd like to know more about the show, here is their website.

I am in booth #328, right by the food and beverage area (cause what show would be complete without something to nibble on and a tasty wine to sip while taking in all there is to see there?). Discounted tickets can be bought through the website in advance.


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