When it rains, it pours!
I'm not sure if thats quite the expression that fits here but it's very true; especially with all thats happened since my last blog post!...

Back to plan A..
Well... I wouldn't say it's plan A... cause there's no real plan B.. but back to an old Idea that I was getting around to before. (I get...

Decadent Relevance
The reception went well! I was very happy to have good friends come out and enjoy the evening with me. I've learnmed a few things about...
A revival of the old blog.
I had a blog on one of those blog websites and the access to it was very limited. People who wanted to see it almost never could and it...

Decadent Relevance
This is an invitation that I'd made up for a show I have my work in at the moment... the work is on display until April 1st 2015. The...
WOW….. so I believe I’ve talked about this before on here… maybe not, I’m not sure. I talk about it a lot actually…. CHANGE Now… to some,...

Copying artwork
I’ve been working on this lion head now for a few days and I’m fairly happy with how it’s turning out… It’s at a point now where I have...

Our heritage
Last week some idiots went and smashed the faces off of the statues by the foot of the Lions Gate Bridge… I was looking at pictures of...

Deadlines make things happen
I registered myself in a big art show that’s happening at the beginning of May and am starting to feel the pressure to finish stuff...
“Courage is the most important of all the virtues, because without courage you can’t practice any other virtue consistently. You can...