A great mind once said...
“Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working.” - Pablo Picasso It’s hard not to regret time spent idle… it’s easy to see that time...
Silver and gold..
I finished that silverpoint portrait I was working on today and am quite happy about the effect it has… I was struggling to get deeper...
My nephew
I did this portrait of my nephew for my sister and her husband last year for Christmas and just saw it again on Facebook… Such a cute kid.
For beauty..
I stumbled across a blog just now and read an entry that was made just after a big school shooting in Connecticut. The author of this...
Another silverpoint... with a twist.
I decided to tint my gesso and highlight a drawing done with silverpoint and see how it turned out.. I was pretty happy with this one. I...
Learning never stops..
I found myself out of luck one semester in art school… I thought I’d try Industrial Design because I figured with my past in the movie...
I’M EXCITED!!!! I’m drawing in silver right now and it has a better quality than I’d even imagined. Much like the ballpoint drawing that...
Some old sketches..
I am in the middle of moving my stuff from one studio to another and came across some of my old sketchbooks… Lotsa stuff in there that I...
Treacherous ground... alone.
I was called by a friend today who lost a relative to suicide…. I feel like I’m being pulled to do some work on depression. I believe...
An amazing machine
The human body is an amazing machine and the more I learn about it the more interesting it gets… I am moving on to the bones and muscles...